Administration – Work Experience
Purpose of Post:
The purpose of this role is to support Bereavement Services and to contribute to ensuring that the services are delivered as efficiently and compassionately as possible.
Specific duties:
- Processing data related to burials, cremations and memorials.
- Provide general clerical/admin support e.g. photocopying, filing, completion of standard forms, and responding to routine correspondence/emails.
- Maintain manual and computerised records/management information systems.
- Planning and scheduling meetings/appointments.
- Operate relevant equipment/ICT packages (e.g., word, excel, databases, spreadsheets, internet.).
- Support other members of staff to fulfil their duties.
To be able to fulfil this role candidates must be aware and comfortable:
- Dealing with a deceased – participants would never see or handle the actual deceased person, but may be required to deal with coffins.
- Dealing with bereaved families – one of the stages of grief is anger, and sometimes this can be directed towards the council, it is rare but can happen, as well as dealing with grief and upset families.
Additional desirable skills include:
- Practical IT skills (understanding of MS Word)
- Sensitivity and understanding
- Problem-solving
Days/times required: Max 30 Hours per week
Duration of the Placement: 4-8 weeks
DBS required: No
Other responsibilities
- Embrace the values of Middlesbrough Council
- Where a candidate has a disability, Middlesbrough Council will make every reasonable effort to supply the necessary aids, equipment or adaptations to enable a volunteer to carry out their role.
- All candidates are expected to demonstrate a commitment to the principles of equality of opportunity and fairness of treatment in relation to their volunteer role and adhere to the Council’s Work Experience Policy in carrying out their placement.
- All candidates are expected to respect all confidentialities and principles and practice of the Data Protection Act.
- All work experience candidates are required to comply with Health and Safety policies and legislation.