Customer service skills can be used in all job sectors and can be applied to many different roles. It is what an organisation does to meet customer expectations and to improve the customer experience. Good customer service is vitally important for all businesses, large or small. It creates customers who are loyal, because the service provided meets their needs.
Whether you are new to customer service or already employed and wanting to upskill and take part in recognised continuous professional development our customer service apprenticeships will enable you to develop your knowledge, skills and behaviours. We offer customer service apprenticeships at level 2 and level 3. They provide a blended learning approach that includes a programme of on-the-job and off-the-job training personalised to the individual.
At the end of your apprenticeship there is an End Point Assessment carried out by City & Guilds to showcase your development and achievements.
Entry requirements
Apprentices will be required to have or achieve level 1 English and Maths and to have taken level 2 English and Maths tests prior to completion of their Apprenticeship.
Course Content
Apprentices need to complete 20% off-the-job training during the on-programme phase of their apprenticeship. Specific rules govern this and it must take place in the apprentice’s contracted hours. Throughout you will be taught and assessed by the following knowledge, skills and behaviours.
The Assessment Process
For each of the three assessment methods, all pass criteria (100%) must be achieved to progress and complete the apprenticeship programme must also achieve a distinction in each assessment method.
Apprentice Showcase
An interview which assesses the apprentice’s competence, self-reflection, judgement and understanding of their apprenticeship.
A showcase portfolio compiled by the apprentice provides the structure for this conversation.
Practical Observation
The practical observation will be pre-planned and scheduled to when the apprentice will be in their normal place of work and will be carried out by the Independent Assessor.
The observation should enable the apprentice to evidence their skills, knowledge and behaviour.
Professional Discussion
The professional discussion will be a structured discussion between the apprentice and the Independent Assessor, following the observation, to establish the apprentice’s understanding and application of knowledge, skills and behaviours.
Further Information
For more information and a full break down of what will be involved in your course click on the following link to the institute of apprenticeships or alternatively take a look at the factsheet on the document link below
Institute for Apprenticeships Customer Service Specialist Standard
Contact us:
Lisa Holland
Telephone: 01642 727593
Paul Greatorex
Telephone: 01642 728739