Support for your learning.
There is a range of learning support available to students with disabilities and/or learning difficulties at Middlesbrough Community Learning.
We are committed to providing an inclusive and supportive learning environment for all.
We welcome applications from people with a learning difficulty, learning disability or any additional support need. We work to provide additional resources, facilities and services to enable all students to achieve.
What support can we offer?
Following an assessment of your learning needs and requirements, we will look at an individualised plan to support you.
Examples of the type of support include:
- Support from learning support assistants in and out of the classroom
- Specialist support for dyslexia
- Specialist support for those with social and emotional needs
- Communication Support Workers (BSL) for those with a hearing impairment
- Specialist support for those with a visual impairment
- Access arrangements for exams
- Small group workshops and dedicated study areas
- Mobility support
- Access to assistive technology equipment and software
- Adaptation/modification of learning materials into an accessible format
Young people with special educational needs
We work in close partnership with Middlesbrough Council SEND & Vulnerable Learners Team to ensure that the services we provide meet the expectations of the SEND Code of Practice and the needs of people in our local community. To find out more about the services available locally for young people with special education needs please visit:
Safer learning
We are committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of learners, volunteers and staff. You have the right to feel safe where you learn.
In order to support you while you are enrolled with us, we have a dedicated Safeguarding Team of trained staff who can offer advice and support.
Karen Mackintosh
01642 811402
Jan Sturdy
01642 811407
If you have any concerns about your own safety and welfare, or concerns about others, please discuss this with your tutor, a member of staff or contact the Safeguarding Team or complete the online form on this page.
Safeguarding means protecting children and adults at risk from harm, abuse and neglect. These risks include
- Neglect
- Physical, sexual or emotional abuse
- Bullying, including online bullying and prejudice-based bullying
- Racist, disability, homophobic or transphobic abuse
- Gender-based violence, or violence against women and girls
- Radicalisation or extremist behaviour
- Child sexual exploitation and trafficking
- The impact of new technologies on sexual behaviour, for example ‘sexting’ and accessing pornography
- Teenage relationship abuse
- Substance misuse
- Issues that may be specific to a local area or population, for example gang activity and youth violence
- Domestic violence
- Female genital mutilation
- Forced marriage
- Fabricated or induced illness
- Poor parenting, particularly in relation to babies and young children
- Any other issues that pose a risk to children, young people and vulnerable adults
Prevent is about safeguarding people from the threat of terrorism. Terrorism covers all forms of extremism, both violent and non-violent and is defined in the national prevent strategy as ‘any vocal or active opposition to fundamental British values’ and covers international and domestic terrorist threats, including the activities of far right groups and animal rights groups.
We have a vital role to play in protecting you from the risk of extremism and radicalisation. This is underpinned by the Counter Terrorism & Security Act 2015 which states that Colleges must have ‘due regard to the need to prevent people from being drawn into terrorism.’
We work closely with communities and partner agencies to safeguard vulnerable individuals from any background who might be at risk from radicalisation
There are a range of support services available to support you to be safe.
- Middlesbrough Safeguarding board
- Child exploitaion and online protection
- SARC Teesside provide a 24/7 service for anyone who has experienced rape, sexual assault or other sexual abuse
- Domestic Violence
- Report terrorism
- Childline
- Barnados
MCL recognises the benefits and opportunities which new technologies offer to teaching and learning. However, the internet also has potential risks and dangers. If you would like to learn more about keeping safe online, speak to one of our Safeguarding Team.
If you are concerned about your safety, you can talk to your tutor or one of the safeguarding officers above.