
Machine Operative – Work Experience
Purpose of Post:
To work on various sewing machines to become an operator, highly skilled in sewing clothes, maintaining good quality and standard of clothes produced and adhering to health and safety.
General duties:
- Regularly do a maintenance check on the sewing machines.
- Ensure the machines are cleaned and oiled regularly
- To manufacture clothing that is given by management
- Support your team and work within a production line
- To meet set targets on a daily basis
- Clean sewing machines continuously to avoid them getting rusty or bad
- Promote personal hygiene by keeping production environment clean and tidy at all times
- Understand and follow safety rules, directions, and company procedures
- Notify management for order of production materials when in shortage
- Support with paperwork of management ie completing hazards or accident paperwork
- Support manager with development side of the factory
- Adhere to Equality and Diversity policies and procedures.
- Ensure the promotion and implementation of Katwalk Kimberleys Health and Safety policies and procedures.
- Carry out other duties within the scope of the post
Experience and Skills, you will gain:
- Experience of sewing machine maintenance
- A good knowledge of how sewing machines work
- Experience of working as part of a team
- Good time management skills
- Ability to multitask
- Ability to think critically
- Ability to make sound decisions
- Develop organisational skills and the ability to manage work loads
- Develop verbal and written communications skills (including IT)
- Good knowledge of quality control analysis
- Knowledge of manufacturing industry
Days/times required: Max 30 Hours per week
Duration of the Placement: Max of 8 weeks
DBS required: No
Other responsibilities
- Embrace the values of Middlesbrough Council
- Where a candidate has a disability, Middlesbrough Council will make every reasonable effort to supply the necessary aids, equipment or adaptations to enable a volunteer to carry out their role.
- All candidates are expected to demonstrate a commitment to the principles of equality of opportunity and fairness of treatment in relation to their volunteer role and adhere to the Council’s Work Experience Policy in carrying out their placement.
- All candidates are expected to respect all confidentialities and principles and practice of the Data Protection Act.
- All work experience candidates are required to comply with Health and Safety policies and legislation.